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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

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♥Wednesday, July 21, 2010♥

Me and jiaxuan!!!
my self darh~~~~
haiz buffalo..maybe...o.0
i do my self cool rite?
wat my bro draw haha nice...random la
very smart lol..haha ~~~
haha today was really a beat day for me lol!!!First Racial Harmony Day i wear a malay costume..haha was real hot first but later is was fine!!last year i nv wear but now i wear...felt it was fun!Aft that had a concert but i nv had a chance to watch..coming out frm the hall run straight to toilet to have a change in NZ clothes lol..then  aft such a long hours aft doing things...we went 4/4 class to do the classroom layout for other class....haha then went 4/7 again to use the layout hahax!But with Lay Ting HELP TOO!!SHE MADE LAUGH HILARIOUS FOR VERY FUNNY THINGS SHE DO!!!HAHAX!!!!2.00pm start to reach..a lot of primary school reach my school..i am grp with jiajing she always bully me..arrr...hahax~~but in my 28 students...there is one of a boy which is sturbbon like hell!!wahlao i try to bear lol..haiz..wat can i do?shout at them?....they will tell teacher lol..haiz...but still fun!hahax...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:31 PM

♥Saturday, July 10, 2010♥

Find this on web it was realli nice!

Well i guess it had been a long time that i sarted to write post again right?well do anyone miss me..i guess no lol?my tagboard was no use at all..haiz~~~i guess i maybe will stop writing post or jus delete it?Haha i was really quite busy this few weeks aft holidays~And doessn't really expected that i will had a chance to go vietnam the next it was rare for me!My days are boring..i am sure aft my birthday i going to work!!For sure man!!Staying at home like nerdy reading books and playing com doesn't suit my style man~~i should go out and ply like hell..becoz i am a playfull girl!!jus becoz i don know where to go i stay at home like freaking fcuk!!wow should i call my self a geek!or a nerd!!Aiyo!!irritating ..ya tmr going out but it is still a place for study le lo!!haiz everyday i go out is study not study then is jus a stupid event lol!Wat the hell is with this days lol!!Books are boring this days~~and show are jus suck!!And anime are jus not my type anymore..haiz i wanna fun..!!!i wanna hyper!!i wanna to be playfull man!!WAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING LOL!!!Who agree with my post pls tag wat the excite thing happen ya..there is one thing vietnam lol!!haiz..should end post here!See Ya~~~

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:39 PM