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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Monday, June 28, 2010♥

~pic for music cafe!~
Today was the first day of sch hahax..and long time that i nv write post alr..srry if anyone is waiting for my post..not free lol..hahaz..somemore i a bit lazy to post le..once in two weeks lol..haha last Fri jus went a music cafe to hear some romance and music things..aft that we had western food for dinner..siok man nice!!AS for today was a tiring day...but a fun day becoz i saw my class mates haha shall end post here bye bye everyone...~~~

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 2:47 PM

♥Tuesday, June 15, 2010♥

Hey everyone i am bck frm malaysia ~~~woots!!!i finally had a rest!!Softball camp was super fun aft the camp the day aft i went malaysia until today!well...i miss home man~~Softball camp was fun but sleeping on the floor was a body ache a lot!Malaysia was fun too..i went to celebrate my cousin birthday..hehe we went to karaoke and then to take pictures lol..aft that day we went swimming and lots of activity..well of course i went bck to my grandpa hse..hehe i saw much of my cousins too..going to upload pic le...enjoy and sorry for late post..not free mah!!emm..abt the pics..u r welcome to go to my facebook and check it out..i very lazy to post!
this video is nice...check it out valentine by kina

Love ,is a special day
we should celebrate and i appreciate
that you and me found something pretty neat
and i know someday it is abitrary

but its a good excuse to put love to use
baby i know i know wat to do
baby i will love you
i will love you ,i love you...i love you

love,i don need those things
i don't need no ring
i don't need anything
but you with me
coz of your company
i feel happy,oh so happy and complete

and its a good excuse to put love to use
baby i know wat to do..
baby i will love you
i will love you ...i love you..i love you

yeah its a good excue to put love to use
baby i know wat to do
baby i will love you
i will love you,i love you,i love you

so won't you be my honey bees?
giving me sweet kisses all the time
be mine be my valentine

so won't you be my honey bees
giving me sweet kisses all the time
be mine,be my valentine

ohhh....oh my valentine

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:43 PM