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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

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♥Thursday, May 27, 2010♥

Hi everyone back frm posting lol!!!Jus came bck frm school and i was really happy when i saw my results!!!Hehe i get 4A and 1C(which i hate to see the most!!!)last exam i get the same grade too and is always the same subject getting C!!ewww....!!!But my both teachers nv complain abt me as well as last exam and last year too^^so my mood is now average~~~english,mathematics,science and chinese get A..well u can alr guess which subject i get C ...Of course is !!!!ENGLISH !!ARRRRGGGHHH...HATE THAT A LOT!!!I must really work harder lol~~~shall end post here bye bye =3

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:03 AM

♥Wednesday, May 19, 2010♥

Hey my dear readers...i am srry for not posting quite frequently lol..i am sry!!>_<
Hehe today went Kranji War Memorial there for learning journey lol..quite boring but also quite sad..i pity all those war world 2 soilders..We doing ceremony for those soilders..omg i feel that we are like sort of their relatives~~~ Sianz seh?anyone had any idea wat to do in the june holiday its gonna be a killing month...why?0.o..well becoz beside i could do volunteer at librarys but it is onli a few day it will be a gonna freak out boring time month!!!i am speechless..i had no doubt wat the hell i am talking abt!!And that month wouldn't be sufficient time for me to forget sth awfully happened!!it is still inside my heart ..deep inside considering if i should do this or jus give up..but maybe the answer will be give up..becoz haha that thing will never happen ..million years ltr is till the same...shall end post here bye

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:15 PM