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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Wednesday, March 31, 2010♥

hear this is nice ..for ppl who like korean songs lol haha!i rarely write post srry man!shall end here bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:25 PM

♥Tuesday, March 23, 2010♥

M y whole body is aching now~~~arrrggghhh~~~my shoulder is pain my leg also..haiz think stand too long for match today lol..we vs nanhua and we never won becoz many ppl don feel llike plying attentatively this match..maybe they prefer to play in sch than in other sch!is a bad weather too raining and we got lots of muddy on our shirts,pants and shoes..we should buy boots man!!!!!aft match ran home faster to rush to get a bath and to my piano lesson..tiring day i nearly slp in cpa class life is going to be tougher and my post shall be getting lesser so pls wait patiently for my nxt post bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:33 PM

♥Thursday, March 18, 2010♥

Yo everyone ..i am bck frm post haha was really a stupid day becoz i am making up wiv my fren man!well it is not ugly but felt like sort of weird~ we should actually study but in the end all playing lol!well my frens Ain,Jiaxuan and raysid came my hse for asking me maths hw and doing project yes we done but the project we had not done haiz~~~They all went in side my room all saying ghost stories all this kind lol but ltr on my bro and raysid go out of room we started helping jia xuan making up..we help her do evrything even change her clothes lolx..ain second i third i look sort of weird man!the pic will be uploading ltr but tags will still reply srry for not replying i am sort of lazy to blog this few weeks!

18 Mar 10, 13:59

Jacqueline(!)™: Yoh (!)™ , Chio bu lehhs ! Tagged ;D
peggy:you too stay pretty too :D
10 Mar 10, 19:40

CHERYL: & sorry bout the many same tag from me , not my fault , the com was slow
peggy:nvm its ok
10 Mar 10, 19:31

weilin: add my new link . thank . tagged ~ post more
peggy:kk i will post more haha and relink le^^
10 Mar 10, 19:16

CHERYL: & btw, i think Solo by Iyaz is an R&B type, Baby by Justin Bieber is a Dance/R&B/Pop type ...

10 Mar 10, 19:16

CHERYL: & btw, i think Solo by Iyaz isan R&B type, Baby by Justin Bieber is a Dance/R&B/Pop type ...

10 Mar 10, 19:13

CHERYL: & btw, i think Solo by Iyaz isan R&B type, Baby by Justin Bieber is a Dance/R&B/Pop type ...

10 Mar 10, 19:12

CHERYL: & btw, i think Solo by Iyaz isan R&B type, Baby by Justin Bieber is a Dance/R&B/Pop type ...
10 Mar 10, 19:11

CHERYL: Hey, i don't really like dance songs. I'm more of a POP/SOUL/R&B/ACOUSTIC kind of music freak. I listen to all types of music. U don't know me very well. =(
peggy:so i am srry i doesn't know you well maybe
7 Mar 10, 12:51

Jacqueline;♥: Tagged xD Luvs luvs
peggy:thx for it haha luvs for you too^^
2 Mar 10, 22:24

yiinG: tagged babe ❤
peggy:who is yr babe so disgusting lol
25 Feb 10, 20:04

` TIFFANY: hello , taq !
peggy:yo too haha~~~
23 Feb 10, 17:32
spam: spam
peggy:lame ~~~

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:01 PM