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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Sunday, January 31, 2010♥

Today nv go ice skting becoz i forget that i nid to book for it first~Srry ain and yi min lol haha...but today still gt ply bkb becoz yi min ask me to bring out...go 514 to ply then aft two hours of surffering the fire sun we went i am plying com now as i am writing u one pic see if u know him anot...for me he is cute for others i don know??
dude is my brother la...secretly took wan..shhhh...don tell him ar...haha

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:52 PM

♥Saturday, January 30, 2010♥

Today writing post again haha...but monday don know if will write a cip today painting diamond lol..wiv chairmance and marilyn..we laugh like hell while we painting the lines were not straight man!!!aft painting...found a ball down the slope in the field..a small ball..haha nth to do and ply wiv chairmance and and melrose  haha ...then went to eat wiv chairmance before going home...second stop call yimin to go out do library...this is where the part is funny...i wiv yi min had a lot of fun today..first we found a sit and saw wenjun and kanghao(don know if i spell correct)wiv their frens...then aft talking wiv them for a while we went to study...well..we r laughing sometimes in library....the most funniest is..there is a person sitting infront of us wan to go toilet and she ask us to take care of her things..and we say ok suddenly don know y i say thank you to her..yimin and that girl stared at me..and i started to laugh at my self...yimin laugh wiv me too our face became red omg!!!haha... :D going snow city tomorrow so end post here hehe

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:15 PM

♥Thursday, January 28, 2010♥

Today was a tired day though it is fun..haha..First went zoo then second stop went to ply basktball..don wan to say bb becoz feel likes saying bye bye lol..haha..zoo trip lame boring as i went there when i was kindergarden two times..and when pri sch three four times lol...i wanna go hippo duck tour man!!haha..but gt basktball to ply as i brought my basketball..nvm saw i took basketball on my hand is becoz i put it in cheryl's hse first...was tired plying a mAtch of basktball..we had a match wiv some rss sec one student and other sch..plying in a team wiv 2/5 classmates and my two softball fren...yimin and emily..cute girlsss...the ppl who verses us is 18 marks and we r 21 haha win loots!!tired of jumping, running and snatching ball...nearly sprain my hand AND IT HEAD SHOT MY HEAD THREE TIMES dude...hahax...nth much to post pic uploading so enjoy shall end post here bb all my darling readerssss.....
this one not sure hahaflamigo lol
loks like penguin but nopelooks like wat?guess it?

looks like kangaroo rite but it isn't kangaroo

white tiger

ain the the champ

amirul and harith!!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:01 PM

♥Tuesday, January 26, 2010♥

Hey guy!!Y doesn't u dare to look in to my eyes!!Do u really hate me so much!!jus wanna say hi to you as a fren and smile to u it a disgrace to be yr fren..yaa..i guess that too u r always a guy who like face so much..walked pass u..yr eyes r on the floor..if u really hate me can u at least tell me..i won't care you any more or u tink is a disgrace of u beening yr fren...??i admit i like you but not anymore ..why r u giving me that stupid face and angry face to let me heart boilssss!!!!blocking me for so many times...rejected me so many times too...srry if u saw this post but it is really unfair to me..can u jus don tink of yr self ...nvm its ok..i will get a reply soon frm is easy to test u if u r hating me a not...

hehe ...everyone bck frm was too gizzy man!!and almost fainted..marilyn and yvonne too shocked and call st john girls to help...ya i am thanks to stomach is much better...maybe is nv eat time to eat haha...emm..thx to meirose too..thx for buying dinner for u wu

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:46 PM

♥Wednesday, January 20, 2010♥

today decorating class for chinese new year..haiz actually i don wan to decorate man!!but also don wan go home so early so help my fren out!!doing some chinese words and some tiger words too ...i jus captured a little photos..emm...threee maybe not going to post going to slp ...signing off now!!:D

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:42 PM

♥Thursday, January 14, 2010♥

Today,teacher told me i am not the chairperson..not sad at a boy named arief in my class get into it...becoz he is naughty so teacher choose him...but is onli 1 month prohibition..hahax but i did do some things...secretary for teacher...nth much to post bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:15 PM

♥Tuesday, January 12, 2010♥

Hey peeps !!srry for late was tired becoz aft softball and did not get a good sleep last aft maybe one hour or ....anytime i going to off9 frm blog and everything!!Be choosen to be chairperson and chinese rap k,chairperson still not sure becoz teacher haven't tell the class...chinese rap of course i am in..becoz my class doesn't know much well of chinese..teacher pick me!!i am not to show off thats y i write ..haha jus saying too hyper ma^^kk end post frm here bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:51 PM

♥Sunday, January 3, 2010♥

Today went out wiv sh,yt and lj ...Becoz lijie bday!!^^tomorrow sch reopen actually i was happy but now so stressed man!!My life sucked!!!!today not going to write a lot so end post here ..

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:22 PM

♥Friday, January 1, 2010♥

Hey everyone !!i am so hyper today!!becoz it is the new year of 2010!!i jus heard some of the fireworks outside my hse!! thought was bomb 0.o"hahax ...but when my bro tell me that is it a new year of 2010 i came bck to my mind hahax!!going to slp and so good night!!

Happy New Year Of 2010!!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:21 AM