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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Tuesday, December 29, 2009♥

Yo everyone bck to post again!! went to get my brother school books and uniform...After that went to get my uniform and shoes^^Just change my blog songs to korean songs!!the songs are frm a movie fair lady.After saying all this...jus to say i am bored throughout the holiday!!trying to freak out my boring time ...this is the first worse holiday i ever had!!not going overseas,not going malaysia and no class outing too!!my class doesn't like class outing ..but nvm 31st i going out wiv my last year fren(primary sch)for a class outing...and i miss sch this days,i would rather go school than staying home!!shall end post here bb^^video i create lately

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 1:56 PM

♥Thursday, December 17, 2009♥

oday was such a tired day,but quite fun man!!^^Go out with a group of girls which are my frens but eventually i still bring my brother haiz so troublesome man~went to eat ishi mura at yishun then went to timezone to ply ddr then ply drum too...First at ishi mura i and my best fren yiting,sihui and lijie sat together in one table and i keep fighting wiv sihui ..emm..don misunderstood i mean talk fight..lijie and yiting keep stopping us and in the end we are laughing hilarious..and the other table had angeline,claudia,evelyn and my brother ...the girls were usually teasing my brother haha..actually we came out is becoz our girl frens bday..hehe^^order black pepper chicken for me and raymond...sihui and lijie ate the same as me...while the rest of the girls eat others..kk nth much to talk too jus wanna post some photos enjoy^^

me and lijie

me ,sihui and yiting

me,lijie and yiting

me and angeline at tz

grp of girls woo hoo!!!

claudia and evelyn at tz

evelyn and me at tz

yiting and me at time zone

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:50 PM

♥Tuesday, December 8, 2009♥

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:43 AM

♥Wednesday, December 2, 2009♥

went to ang mo kio today for somme shopping..haha^^shall had a short post today ..nth really to write abt ,at least  you wanna know wat i buy lol haha^^this is the pic i taken today enjoy...shall end post here bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:50 PM