♥Sunday, November 29, 2009♥
As today wasn't really much to do ,it should be a short post maybe?-.-"woke up on 2.40pm today becoz i slept late ytd ^^emm...at the time of 6.00am ..haha becoz i watching show ma ,too engrossed wiv it so didn't pay attention to the time lol.Woke up continue watching my show "18 ,29"then was preparing for the start of the next month...a fresh start ...forgetting everything which had happened a lot around me.Love ,hate, greedy
and mostly frensss....forget of being greedy to one person who i suppose to say sorry to him and love too...becoz of me he had a lot trouble..knowing that he had a O level exam to study i still giving him trouble...he doesn't wan to be my fren i understand y ..wish that he will forget everything which had happen between me and him... he is also rite it is jus like not love ...Hate ,i wanna to forget alan as i knowing that i done wrong too so,not to also keep saying that he is wrong but i will try my best to stop hate him and try to keep a distance away frm him...frensss is important to me ..but i need to make clear between fren!! i really think parents are rite i am too trusted to frenship than family ...i must be sure wat kind of fren i need to make...example yvonne-the duck,cheryl-the cherry,jiaxuan-the buffalo and me-the pig as my name peggy ...everyone used calling me piggy hehe^^i wouldn't really mind as i am happy i don mind anything ...So,working hard to go express on sec three ...even if i really can't go i would be happy i had put in effort!!Jia you c: shall end post here bb
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:10 PM
♥Friday, November 27, 2009♥
Bck to post hahax^^miss me?jus asking^^today went out wiv Deborah and her fren which is obs, Rongjun...
First went to Orchard to meet Rongjun,then we went shopping around...went mac to had a lunch then walk around the whole shopping centre...next stop we went to time zone to play!!Deborah and me went to play dance dance revolution hehe and we at first were paiseh to play the steps haha but when we play we had a lots of fun!!! : D then went deb hse too^^see her doing her hw. today shall be a short post pic coming up bb~~
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:33 PM
♥Monday, November 23, 2009♥
Hey everyone ,long time i didn't really write post..haha was waiting for some one to write post lol but he/she have't write haizz. :(but nvm i write post first hehe^^wanna play basketball but no one wanna cum out or overseas..arr...!!!this few days was jus blogging and plurking and listening to music ...and watchingg dvd "ko.3 sanguo" haha new part two dvd now waiting for part three...was bored too ..tomorrow going to play basket ball wiv weilin but onli her...don think it would be fun..my current mood was bad becoz jus now i was playing SDO classical dance and i miss that beat everytime i think becoz most of the times i was playing trend dance which no need press space lol~~~was mad and crazy aft i played the classical dance hahax you will be crazy wiv me if u were sitting beside me ^^ but nvm going to slp too hehe was trying to had a late slp today bb...
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:26 AM
♥Saturday, November 14, 2009♥
Todae was really a tired day hahax...~going out wiv June to sembawang shop first,then went my hse to play some SDO game haha ..Nxt stop!to her hse lolx haha then at her hse do quite a lot of things~~go sembawang shopping centre was doing nth much lol jus walk around the shpping centre and buy a hair band and short of ear rings maybe loots!!!!then i went her hse to watch "where gt ghost"watch that 3 times haha...then i eat at her hse and ate rojak too^^hahaxD there r some pics enjoy~~~
playing some stupid tofu jokes haha
eating mac when at sembawang

june sister watching where gt gost haah^^

at mrt haha..kk shall end post her haha anyone wan to play SDO can cum to this website download haha:http://cibmall.com hehe^^
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:30 PM
♥Friday, November 13, 2009♥
Hi everyone..hows everyone holidays?Today was boring haiz and i felt tired too maybe nth to do but nvm 1 dec i going tuition haha..today was trying to cook a noodle call pasta noodles.And u guess wat,i destroy it..haha the sauce which i put in i felt like vomiting when i first eat it "yucks!!!"and u know wat my brother ate it and say"peggy,haiz you cannot cook for me next time i wanna vomit and it looks disgusting"ouch!!it breaks my heart but it looks reallly disgusting lol i had captured it up lets see if was disgusting for you yucks!!!and i nearly wanted to vomit so i quickly drink a cup of sour drink"arr....it is really sour .."really i not kidding sour until yr throat pain lol but i add water inside feel more better~

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:24 PM
♥Wednesday, November 11, 2009♥
Hey everyone ..bck to post le hahax!Ytd wasn't veri free becoz was my daddy 48 birthday ... for some ppl they think is so old lol...but for me ok la^^Haiz ,boring seh keep watching the samme show every week "桃花小妹 momo love"&"海派甜心 hi my sweet heart"but its nice lol can make out my boring time hehe^^today cannot go out too...funiture coming my hse arr....!!i wannna go out lol :( pics uploadingg enjoy hehe^^

daddy tell me to open the paper and see wat no.four letter number can but toto lol haha and becoz i show him the no.he say don show me lol...my face became black!!!but nv cry la jus pretending hehe

look carefully !!!my daddy eyes like on fire hahah!

whole family ar?

daddy ,raymond and me~

me and daddy

raymond and daddy
nice cake hahax
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:08 PM
♥Sunday, November 8, 2009♥
Hi everyone...This is a little information for all of you..if you know wat this sentence means then i wish you could jus rmb it but without reminding me..becoz i will felt sickening and wtf k^^hehe(cleans throat)jus to say that i alr 50%forget him and 50%hate towards him and frm this moment onwards they will not be anything happened between me and him...if someone really wish that we had something happened between him and me...jus don think anymore becoz is IMPOSSIBLE get it clear plsss...!!!And i will be working towards the goal to express..i won't let ppl think i am a loser...had enough of ppl saying i am a loser" done saying..^^get it clear alr ?haha.No more sad post will be posted here but happy post will be up my blog haha..and i jus changed my background of my blog and the songsss.....songsss drifting around my heart telling me to forget the past...haha ^^k shall end post here bb
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:14 PM
♥Saturday, November 7, 2009♥

Hi everyone!Ytd wasn't really feeling good so i didn't post anything..but still today i will post sth which i found it cute...jus a sample pic which i found out today...sound like i am a bit tired this few days..ya a bit trobling if i should really work hard for next year .haiz feeling that i am a bit lazy to study everyday lolx -.-"but still i need to buck up...haiz*_*(dead face)jia you lol with this cute photo encouraging me..i love this photo Tee Hee^^
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:00 PM
♥Thursday, November 5, 2009♥
hey everyone..was late for post becoz i went for cca and shopping with my god-mother and..aft that i went to tuition !next stop we celebrate raymond actual bday date at the tuition centre ~haiz...was a busy day lol and tiring day for me~~that i even slp if there is extra five or four minutes to let me rest llol haha^^eating sushi too..haha ..For ppl who came my bday party that time...the pic had been develop haha enjoyss..~~
was really a tiring and busy day and it is one week that i nv go yr blog le..i
knew i will be able to make it!!but today was weird i kept seeing ppl that i
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:32 PM
♥Wednesday, November 4, 2009♥
Day 6 nv go visit yr blog le....tomorrow will be one week and i know i will be able to make it!!! So,don ever make me feel unbearable to let me go in yr blog anymore...Hey everyone today wasn't really a fun day..except playing with that SDO game the rest of day i don feel happy lol..haiz ...today Hwee ying came my hse and weilin too ..be4 hwee ying come weilin and i were eating some can food ..i told weilin that i scared i stomach ache but now i don feel really pain in my stomach i felt normal...then hwee ying came..we talk for a while then went to yong quan hse..his leg blister were big lol!!haha..first time saw that..loots!!Then after that rachel keep calling me and ask me where i am i say i at blk 159 and she say bck to me:"eh!my mood not ok lol!!can fetch me a not...i yr fren u don care abt me!!!!"i didn't care abt it much but i did scold her bck:"u come yr self la and u no mood is yr problem~!!!"
To rachel:stop shouting at me!!and don anyhow say i answer yr phone lol!!!and
can you stopwinking eyes to us we don like it lol!!!we know u like to wink eyes
to boys as u can attract them lol!!but jus don do to us i hate it ..!!!"
aft this we whse ....yq fight with her sister lol..arr...herent to yong quan sister and yong quan fighting very fierce..i and weilin aft he cool down we went home lol...nth to do lol..haiz sian lol...k shall end my post here bb^^
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:05 PM
♥Tuesday, November 3, 2009♥
♠~Hey everyone..^^today nth much to write but i still gonna to post sth haha...today 8 am had a cca and sat bus to stadium ..haha then we jogged the whole field for 4 rows and the last round i came bck at 2 MINS 04 SECS so slow hor..ya lol..i also think so...btw the field outside the swimming pool were wet becoz of the morning dew..our hands were wet!!And i was ganna hit by ball and this isn't the worst part ..the worst part is ..it hit my palm!!OUCH!!!pain....but wasn't really that pain hehe^^aft cca we sat bus bck to sch..jia yin sat 911 with me..until two stops ltr she alighted lol haiz boring seh...wat to do the whole day playing blog or plurk then still gt?ah ha!!haha i still gt SDO to play is a bit like audition ..haha k shall end my post here bb♠~sdo pic uploadingss....
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:18 PM
♥Monday, November 2, 2009♥
yo everyone ytd nv write post becoz was a quite bz day for me haha!!First,my cousins come my hse to celebrate my raymond birthday party then second went to my fren's birthday party lol hahaxD!!haha my fren bday party song lee he is the one suppose to ganna corn flour but my fren and i ganna hit lol haha!!our whole body is veri itchy lol haha ..and ytd rachel come to my hse and slp for one nite haha^^we playing wiv our fringe and hair. she also been hit by flour too..and one more girl hwee ying^^pei kun is the one ganna the most flour and like ZOMBIE some more hahax!!we also play rocket too..hahah some pic uploading enjoysss...^^
♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:37 AM