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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Friday, October 30, 2009♥

this the photo i took recently too..haha

R u trying to test me?Do you think hurting me is fun?K u wan me to say is it..i am hurt by you seriously i wish this two months holiday i could totally forget you...i had enough of your stranger feeling which you give me!!Y do you treat me like this did i really let you hate me so much!!I jus wanted you to treat me as it so really so hardddd...i am sad and crying in my heart for you..i feel like i am stupid but how i wish i could jus really don know you and don let u be my second crush in my heart!!I really hate you so much hate you!!i not gonna really to think of you anymore i wan to give up now..frm this moment i start counting 1..i not going to say yr name and if i saw you i would pretended to not know you start from now 1!!!

you know wat teacher commented me humble and dilligent student..(not trying to show off)jus wanted to say haha but at least i did pass lol..haha jia you peggy!!!!
hate you!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:21 AM

♥Thursday, October 29, 2009♥

Jus came bck frm sch..and was pretty tired..Today we had CIP activity to do and we need to go each block to collect newspaper lol...I,cheryl,junhui and jason ong the 2nd grp..sadly yvonne nv wiv us and she was grp wiv that idiot BITCH!!!GEENA!!!yvonne was a bit sad that she nv go with us and she was angry that she need to go wiv that bitch haha...lets don talk abt this anymore..change topic to wat happen when we were collecting newspaper hahax!!

First cheryl,junhui and me goes up to level9 at blk 801 and jason ong stay
downstair to guard the newspaper..haha.. second we go each door to knock then
suddenly we saw one guy coming out only wearing BOXES!and we say nth at first
but aft we collect finish frm him we walk away and laugh like hell!!!(in the
lift some more got echo) Third we went to 8 th floor and we were doing the same
thing too..and suddenly one aunty you wan news paper? Me and cheryl:yes
we need...haha that aunty let us to come in their hse but teacher say cannot
...but her leg was injured so we help her and junhui wait outside that hse..when
me and cheryl saw that storerrom...u know how we react? OMG!there is a lot of we quickly took it...was damn tired cheryl was trying to tied the
newspaper but becoz too many the string break!! i go to the storerrom to take out
all...and i put all infront of junhui...his reaction was damn funny Junhui
say:still got ar...(stressed face)haha me:ya lots!!aft taking all finish ...we
say thank you to the aunty and thats when problem start.. do we
take to downstair ..?o.0 Me:u go press the lift and hold then unhui take the
newspaper and put on the lifr..then i will guard the they went
down and call jason ong to go ..haha aft a hard work trying to solve the
newspaper problem we went to 7th floor there's a dog and jun hui was so scared
haha...when they took out the newspaper the dog came out of the licks
cheryl hand and my kinda cute but junhui scared ..when the cute dog wan
to lick him.. he scared until he almost wanted to ran away...don tell him ltr he
scold me ..aft that we went to more floors and get more newspaper and we saw arief
,iqmal,amalina,shafiqah and ain too..they help us knock lol..haha

aft two hours we went down to void deck and prepared to go bck to basketball court 806 to wait ...we even had a whole class pic..i request from teacher haha..yvonne don wan to talk lol..anw i shall end my post here and some pic uploadings ..^^o cannot put class photo gonna try again haha

helping to get the newspaper to the truck!!

me and cheryl..

this one also the aunty hse get it..^^...
this is the aunty who had a lots of newspaper

8th floor

jia you everyone i also got help hor..but nv captured lol..^^

jason ong very qing song lol(relax lol)playing hp..^^

junhui also tired le..
so manyyy..haha this is when we were laughing like hell!!!
cheryl no need paiseh laa

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:51 AM

♥Wednesday, October 28, 2009♥

R u going to write post?i am worry for u as a fren write post frequently:)btw today wasn't really fun enough..was boring lol. Ytd was good ..we even had HIP HOP dance..was damn fun!xDToday is jus playing long jump ,run,javelin throwing or discult lo...and sexuality education(hate that)becoz i sat on the floor for 1 hrs and my leg cramp arr...i hate that feeling lol...btw the teacher did ask us some question and i am correct..this is wat she ask
Q:wat is the meaning of love?
jia xuan: wat class u r

teacher :seens u first speak i will call yr class..
1/3 girls:eh jia xuan...
teacher:index no.6(jiaxuan)
jiaxuan:emm..i don know...
i say:love is the meaning of u r willing to sacrisfice for the person
..(was laughing becoz i thought it would be wrong)haha

is the meaning of u r willing to sacrisfice for the person..

teacher:ya u r rite..(throwing the chocolate to me)
teacher:becoz u help her thats y u get it...
i say:o

the teacher also throw the chocolate to jia xuan as she answer the question lolx...haha i thought i was wrong ..and tell u all sth i was late for school today=.=i woke up at 6.39 and i faster jump out of bed..haha but i manages to reached sch fast..even if wake up late i still very early in sch..kk i shall end my post here..^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:18 PM

♥Tuesday, October 27, 2009♥

Y u nv write post this few dayss....r u ok?:(but any way today went for ogl interview so stupid lol...i keep stopping becoz i really had not a interview be4..but at least i did speak louder to let them listen wat am i trying to say...not my fren so softly but..good for her that her eng not singlish.. btw that place for interview was at REPUBLIC SCH!AMAZING i nv went there be4...haha when my interview start.. i started panic and started to say out my singlish language..=.=this is wat they ask...btw i felt i will not be choosen they keep like pausing for a while whenever i say finish that question..=.=
Q:can you start introducing yr self first?
A:i am peggy class 1/3
Q.why do u wan to be a ogl?
a:i think it is fun and
i like camp very much...(actually wanted to say i love getting more points too)
Q:what do you think of leading sec one?
A:i felt like i am responsible
enough to lead them and i am happy=.==(started to be panic)
Q:then how are
you going to tell the students abt our RSpirts?
A:errrr.....i not sure but
if they ask i maybe will tell them..(started to feel a little bit too
Q:do you think that our attire is important to you?
yes...becoz if our attire are not tidy ppl will think that we r ganster or ppl
will look down on our sch ...
NE Champs:o ok you may leave thank you ..pls
go to the red laptop there to feel the form..thanks..
me:thank you..^^(was a
little bit blurr..?)

I say to Rachel where's the red laptop lol?haha aft looking for a long time..i finally found out a form which need to write yr particulars...haha..aft that i and rachel went off frm the library to food court to eat chicken rice lol...hahaand thanks ppl for couraging me for the interview but maybe will be a sad result i don have the confidence that if i would be choosen lol...some pics going uploading enjoysss....^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:21 PM

♥Monday, October 26, 2009♥

hi everyone..came bck frm sch and my fren came over my hse and we watch some video i saw sth really funny on youtube..haha cats talking lol... and so today i was playing wiv jia xuan in sch and taken some idiot photo..o and baby funny videos which my teacher show us today..was a really damn funny day today..^^enjoys the pic and videos this is wat Ms pin told me to wrote on blog haha i know is a bit messy and weird!!O i today do sth funny to this word"declaration"it suppose to spell it that way but i heard wrong i go spell it"decoration"...when teacher go change i was so paiseh even yvonne and cheryl keep laughing lol hahaxya la ya la my eng poor ma...
jiaxuan playing some light too bright can't see..
Ms fung letting us watch video haha...
haha playing scissors paper stone lol..jia xuan hand more red than me...(left side)
jia xuan smile a bit weird but nvm it's ok..

bb shall end posts here ^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:09 PM

♥Sunday, October 25, 2009♥

Hi everyone..jus came bck frm cwp...wiv jiaxuan and yiting...haiz went library first wiv jiaxuan..but we r actually talking on phone lol..haha don know wat to do jia xuan nv bring books shit!!!but we borrow chinese novel..=.=haiz next stop meet yiting and to long john sliver to eat haha..i and yiting ate the same and jia xuan drinking soup looks like sucks!!!haha boring lol I WAN PLAY BKB LOL!!!!ARR....!!!!no one wan play lol all not free:(nvm its ok..

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:30 PM

♥Saturday, October 24, 2009♥

sian lol today...going bck to sch on saturday ..meeting yvonne at cwp and saw shalini ...while yvonne was playng wiv her psp geena that bitch came to look for us..she suppose to go sch but she bluff teacher that she sick and been scolded by mr.chong haha serve her rite!!i feel like sanbo her when mr.chong was marking attendance lol..but think twice why should i care..hahax..when yvonne and me
reached sch,saw cheryl and we ran away trying to play wiv her haha..but she saw us=.=3.40pm we went to multi purpose room to practise the dance exam for ltr..woo got air-con stroke man!!!aft our exam,i did sth funny haha..i went bck to multi purpose room to give bck sth and when the senior in the room open the door my classmate keep saying"peggy sian la wahlao y knock door we praticing leh wahlao"then i say bck"wat la wat la wat la!"and the senior which is standing infront of me was blurr...he thought i was saying him ...and i was like so paiseh then turn my head away everyone laughing at me..hahax even myself keep laughing but i did say sorry to him ..haha btw jiaxuan cried today..y almost everytime ppl cried!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:47 PM

♥Friday, October 23, 2009♥

hi everyone..this post is to cheryl my fren...don be sad lol even you cannot go na ..don becoz of your chinese and you cried!she long time nv so emotional..finally she cried out..don cry lol cheryl it's ok jus jia you..hehe^^...spammers comingg back huh?yvonne going to na .she say for sure...teacher say she got the chance and she agreed ..good for her..i working for sec 2 NT to express..nah..i know is difficult but i don wan retain if i sec three go NA..i wan faster go graduate hahax...tomorrow going bck to school to have a dance examination certificate to take!haha nnth much to say and bb^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:50 PM

♥Thursday, October 22, 2009♥

hi peeps..haha jus came bck from shopping and shopping was fun haha..i went to buy basketball ,purse and shorts..and blah blah blah but these three r my favourite lolx...haiz don know wat to do this few days..damn boring...sometimes i feel my life sucks man !!!nth to do at all...only com but i hate playing com all day it hurts my eyes... i can't everytime keep slping i will look like pig some how one day.. haha jk jk onli lolx :)some pic uplodaed ...enjoy!
the new purse but it at 77th street..lolx..cnnt see clearly srry..
shorts in brown..hehe had not really try it!no time bz..

bkb i want to play it long time ago haha finally i have!:D
new shirts hahax

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:01 PM

♥Wednesday, October 21, 2009♥

hi everyone..i am bck to post had my cca and was damnfun i was laughing like mad with yvonne and jiayin ooopss!!still got chairmance also haha..i was shouting like hell also"ah!!!"haha..i also saw my classmates in ncc was really tough for them lol haha they rolling on the ground talking fake guns japanese soilders lol..hehe thats wat yvonne say to me the way got big fire outside my hse too and my classmate slping photo!
fire burning outside my hse the garbage home hahax.. :)

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:21 PM

♥Tuesday, October 20, 2009♥

haiz...this few days don feel like posting is damn boringg lol nth to do ..and my heart broke into pieces lol..i can hear the craking sound..i was crying in my heart i cannot cry out like this i feel like i am a loser you cannot let ppl know that you are crying or you r a loser..."do you wan to be a loser"i asked my self...of course not even i wan to cry terriblily i won't cry i don wan be loser...but how can i heal the wounds of my craking heart..should i go sugery to operation..maybe that person will tell me how to do...y does he hurt me...doesn't he know anything abt me..i had enough of him i wan give up lol anw he is going graduate very fast jus one more year no not even one 9 months left i won't care him i won't miss him i will 100%forget him!!! he will like it if i say this word to him...i jus can't understand wat is he thinking! is it that he really only care abt himself ..i wan to tell him sth important but when i thought twice i feel like giving up and feel that even i tell him he won't care and he won't like handle it...i always the person help him carry all the spaming information and he would jus be relaxing ..siting under a big umbrella with one ice lemon tea!o ok i know the ice lemon tea and umbrella thing is a bit siao jus don care that sentence but i really think that way fren told me that even you show that spamming letter to him he won't believe that is not you do...!i agreed with her...the other fren say...he cannot handle all this de!is impossible for him to read that letter he thought is you ask someone to post the mail to you lol...!i agree that too...i don know if he really think that way but i wish he don think that way lol...i think he is a good person and is not that bad and stingy guy i know...don feel like saying anymore even how long this post i gonna write he doesn't care and read...becoz he won't come my blog lol bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:06 PM

♥Sunday, October 18, 2009♥

today was my bday party hahax!fun siao!so many present too..thanks for coming and giving me present for my bday i love all of you haha...muacks muacks..there will be photos up but some photo still haven't update lo must wait haha bb^^prepared to go home!
evelyn too bb^^
the last photo wiv gladys
eve and jas min going home soon
yt and me!
jiasmin ,eve and me
gladys and jia xuan
jiaxuan smile so nice haha
haha playing some games down my hse ...
jiaxuan,deb,me and ying..^^
deb and me :)
two same present haha
boyss...y eat outside my hse haha
my birthday cake 1.5 kg hahax

lj and yiting hahaz

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:21 PM

♥Saturday, October 17, 2009♥

hi everyone today i was damn tired and busy..i and my bff lijie and sihui was decorating my hse for tomorrow bday party but my other bff yiting nv come she not free ..hahax..we busy until we went to air-con room to reat..aft 30 mis...we come out of room and start to干活 (do work) hahax...aft one hour finish work and had upload some pictures thanks for helping hehe ..enjoy!!:) heart shape ballons...

when done...
we are done!
pinkish balloonsss...
one hr later....
almost done!
pasting things near my door..
finally i am out hehe
jia you girls... try to fix out heart...
sihui doing now my bff superstar..lolx
raymond don talk keep doing lol hahax this is when we start doing..
balloons which we jus pump and blow... :) tired lol
when haven't start
when they jus came...loots eating thats y so messy...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:53 PM