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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

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♥Wednesday, September 30, 2009♥

yo!!!today i nv mood swings jus normal tis few days....but i really hate jia xuan not that kind of enermy hate is her attitude...she shouldn't go open other ppl locker even other ppl give her the key....and even she wan to revenge fren cheryl told me that jiaxuan is too overboard to suriya(the boy who keep bully jiaxuan)privacy level...even he keep bully jiaxuan so wat!!!you jus don care...yvonne say it make sence and i felt that way too and talk to jia xuan i almost feel like slapping her face ....but nv damn irritating too...after i talk to jiaxuan ,she say she will return the key to suriya and tell teacher the situation....but cheryl was so angry and say to her "but u already open suriya locker...tis is a very serious act u know that!!!!' jia xuan say"but i nv touch his thing!!!!"(shouted loudly)i and yvonne wqas so angry and i scolded her bck"you had made a mistake you still shout at cheryl you have manners a not ...she is our fren ok...don ever shout to cheryl and yvonne!!!!' jiaxuan still seems that she is rite wonder many ppl hate her...becoz she don admit she is wrong....she should have the cheeckthat teacher stand at her side...fcuky lol damn it i hate her attitude lol!!! the way past so long hour ago ....i need revise for maths le....tomorrow maths exam today i also went shopping with cheryl also...she buy cd album is boys love girls...the other i 4get ...hehe i also go bengawan solo for cake hehe....tis cake shop name seems like when i was pri 6 syf choir songs^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:32 PM

♥Tuesday, September 29, 2009♥

hi~~~readers~~~today not so really had the feeling of saying anything...damn sad and guilty too...i don mean to treat alan fierce..but really i wish he don like me too i already...a bit give up on him...he will be hurt if he continue like this~~hehe...i need to buck up for exams too yoo hoo~~~two more days to maths...gabateh~~~^^bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:09 PM

♥Monday, September 28, 2009♥

yo! today our class ss got presentation and i must show to the whole story was damn lame lol...and when i was showing a bit paiseh la but very fast the feeling of stage fright gone!!!!i like my friend cheryl presentation which call 'abc"is a quite funny time then tell you haha...the whole class laughing but my one no one laughs but nvm i still have that courage to stand in front of class is very i also give teacher the ogl form to write the points over 80...guess wat i get....?haha 71!!!i cannot believe at first yvonne get the same mark as me think got go play basketball....i tink i almost become black chicken hehe...exams coming too.....left three more days to study and my birthday going to reach wish yvonne and cheryl can them so much hug hug....♥ ~~~~~as a friend la~~~~~don ever mistake....k bb to all of u...^^ ♥

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:21 PM

♥Sunday, September 27, 2009♥

YO!everyone...hehe...i today mood a bit fren weilin today come my hse but now already not at my hse...i was a bit angry with one of my fren but now a bit happy...i angry wiv alan becoz he anyhow say i give him stress sian....wat the hell when did i give him stress lol...but nvm i tink we won't be frens anymore...we are stranger the same as when we are primary sch...we don know each other...i wish to go bck to that kind of relationship....and wish weilin can be with alan....she keep like helping me wiv alan ....and sending message wiv tink alan will like her....i tink that aln won't kept his promise anymore.....he say be4"i will wait for you 2 years to be my gf..."i felt like he already give up...thats wat i call....he can't kept his promise...and like to stop to do tings half way...hehe...but nvm i already don like him and he is stranger to me tanjing...don ever know him le...i wan start a new life!!!!!^^now watching"love you,don cry"hehe nice

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:23 PM


blahblah late i still posting haha....can't slp lol...i today went to play basketball again with weilin and chelsea and ...chelsea is damn funny...she keep been bully by me and weilin .of course,she got bully us bck!!!!haiz...don know wat to do tis few days don feel like studying but how exams coming so must jia you...and there is a show i nowdays keep watching"love you,don cry"is a korean movie quite touching i was crying most of the time...the songs and the scences makes me keep crying...T_Tso peace tis few days nth more thing happen ...haha i now really wan to had a new life where i don know that guy..and treat alan as a frieng ...And of course focus on my study!!!!gabateh peggy!!!bb^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:50 AM

♥Friday, September 25, 2009♥

Today i really find yvonne cute haha!!!!we two go get ogl form(orientation group leader)...and we go fill up...but there is where a part where teacher need to fill in.....and becoz...we need to find teacher,we went to the teacher staff room to find Ms Pin....we call wrong no. and call to miss Cheong pin-not sure how to spell hehe....and when she come out ...yvonne was shocked...and me too haha....yvonne say to me"do u think that we find wrong teacher..?"i reply"ya i tink we already call wrong no."yvonne say"next monday then pass to form teacher la...lets get out of paiseh lol...."hahaha!!!!i was so siao that time that i laugh like hell....but nvm nobody knows....even that teacher we call also don know wat happen..hehe...nth to say more bb^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 1:25 PM

♥Thursday, September 24, 2009♥

HI!readers....i today nv post early becoz i go play basketball pass lol...haha...i know how to shoot a bit...yah!!!!so damn happy!!!!haizz.....the stupid com keep lacking ...cannot go in to blogger and is damn slow lol...don have patient anymore le...o today i pass deborah present her birthday!!!don know she had a great birthday..hehe my birthday still 3 weeks and three days...sob slow then reach...but nvm need revision le....haha...left seven days...gabateh!!!!^^bb^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:56 PM

♥Wednesday, September 23, 2009♥

Today,i just heard yvonne say that....tanjing yesterday fierce to me is for fun...haha ....but i honesty talking....he really never make things through lol....=.=i don have bf lol then he say wat..."yr bf spam is it?"then i say no!....i already tell him that is a marsiling sec three, girl.....girl somemore lol!...then he still ask yr bf spam ar...i no bf lol!!!!!already single la!!!!but when he say that why that girl only spam his blog then don spam wan tell him but he keep talking .how i tell him the reason...nvm he don wan hear his problem...the reason is becoz that girl jeolous i know tanjing....and deborah know him too thats y she jeolous...she thought tanjing will like me....thats the reason and that girl not only spam tanjing blog one best fren blog,deborah too...for wat tanjing say himself is the only one been spam lol...but rite...i think that spammer don dare come back spam le fren go scold her so badly ..think she crying le...haiz.....don feel like saying tis topic my chinese paper was damn easy really i not kidding....nt de chinese of course easy like hell i take 10 mins to do finish hahaxsssss......not trying to show off really easy have maths...i forget nvm going to revise today...hehe bb.......

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:56 AM

♥Tuesday, September 22, 2009♥

hi i feel like so happy...o!!!!one more tanjing come to find me saying why his blog been spam and i think only la...he still thought is i spam his blog...but nvm...i not so scared when talking with him la...he just a bit fierce...i still can bear la...i know who is the spammer,i don care if the spammer do anything to my blog ang tagboard i just don feel like finding her and say:eh!!!stop spaming tanjing blog lol...!so damn lame jus let her spam lol she naturally will tired de la....but nvm...if tanjing think is me i also don care le...becoz he treat like a stress to him then why i should make fren with him....anything le i don care anymore...becoz he don seems like beliving me
o the exam for english today is ok only la ...wish can get higher than 65....^^bb...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:03 PM

♥Monday, September 21, 2009♥

yo!!!everyone..haha just now my mood also swings i was angry with the computer jus now lacking like hell anger boiling..haha is okay now...i was anxious of my the art ar.....i gt so much to do...stupid jun hui and haiqal don wan do ...shalini also ...yo....all choose to me to do don know for wat siao!!!!i really hate it...thats wat i describes my mood swings...first angry,anxious and ....i don know wat is my reaction later...again think is scared...haha wish my eoy i can get better marks lol...yoo hoo!!!!!Gabateh!!!!^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:03 AM

♥Sunday, September 20, 2009♥

yo!!!everyone...seems like my mood swings sad lol and stresed i gt one friend which name call weilin lol she very funny...just becoz of only two boy she don wan to go out wih me anymore..and say i don wan to fight with u becoz of love...i was speechless and i say ...thats irritating are you trying to get over my head !!!!!i was thinking only like this she like need to act forgeting lol...i was angry and thinking u don wan be my fren then u threaten me if i don let u go u don wan be my head was thinking the same matter she use again so irritating lol..but by the way i don really care anymore haha...oh i create a classs blog...for 1/3 ..^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:49 PM

♥Saturday, September 19, 2009♥

Hi!everyone...yesterday i did not wrote post becoz i drink martell a wine name...and 40% liquid,so i was a bit drunk and i forget to haha...o i changed my blogskins my world and my life..i drink beer with my two fren quan and alan too haha...their face red until like hongpao haha!!!!!!^^haiz...spammer cuming bck again ...tanjing blog and deborah blog also have...say wat tanjing already know me i no life good to live better anymore siao !!!this person lol...think she more dog than me lol ....think she jeolous thats why she spam lol...but why she go spam deborah blog siao...but deborah told me not to care i don care lol...hehe...aiya i don really care anymore don understand y the spammer so wu nothing to do thats why like to spam ....just wan tell her this fuck bitch to get out of my blog...damn it!!!!!!don know anything don anyhow spam say wat deborah lie to tanjing which eye u saw her lying siao.....aiyo i don wan angry le bb.....everyone...^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 1:09 PM

♥Thursday, September 17, 2009♥

Haha everyone today i very happy but a bit worry....happy becoz today my class two irritating classmate suriya and raysid wear the same colour underwear which is red....don say i pervet ar....our whole class saw it..marilyn and ain laugh like hell when they saw that haiz...hahaha i also laughing...i sad and worry becoz my result for eoy i scared failed hw?but i also keep thinking of art fren keep asking me to do myself wat the fuck siao...they don need to do meh ...wahlao lol!!!!!but my birthday cuming siao so damn happy left 1 month 1 day more!!!!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:29 PM

♥Wednesday, September 16, 2009♥

hehe everyone ....i get bck my com le haha so DAMN happy lol!!!!haiz hw so many sian ....maths and left 7 days think so my exams coming hw help lol!!my math sure fail and english too ,i think i cannot go na le i mean the stream na lol .....ooops ok nth to say ...and thanks deb tagg my blog....^^

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:39 PM