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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

Music Playlist at

♥Sunday, June 28, 2009♥

2day,i feel unhappy and exhausted fren kexin wrote my name and put on the guy who i like ...and write..i_l_v_y_u...and ask him wat is the meaning wat lao tomorrow go sch i surely no face tat guykow me and my name siao and to day i go wiv my fren kexin,shwee yoon and their frens...oh we go lan shop play too who ask my com spoilt ya the ting is i had not finish hw but i ting 10 pm will do finih..arr....irritating...still gt shirt to do lol...but i wish sch close seven days beoz of h1n1 laa...i don wan see the guy i like lol..

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:40 PM

♥Saturday, June 27, 2009♥

yoyo everyone haha...i am bck frm malaysia lol...miss my fren and blah blah blah...i still sick lol cnnt eat fries ting much or else i lose my voice then i die lol....nt le bb

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:17 PM

♥Thursday, June 25, 2009♥

2day maybe will go bck to singapore but maybe not...who ask me to be sick lol...haiz irritating the way long time nv write post le haha i sick lol...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:59 PM

♥Monday, June 22, 2009♥

2day...nt to do also...i go to my grandpa hse and saw three babies...min hui,ah pi bio&zi tong(new)...they r veri cute the way min hui become prettier le and brave...blah ...blah ...nt to say le bb nd go slp le...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:39 PM

♥Saturday, June 20, 2009♥

and at last the zheng xu kor kor...

no en xuan de lan be be de...

eat cake time lol...

en xii u see she again wiv birthday girl le...

u see tat guy holding a handphone....he is the zheng xu which point middle finger bad boy!!!

babe xii wiv birthday girl huh...

wishes...i wonder wat she wish for haha...

so kawaii...

haha en xii sister call en xuan haha cute hor... kaida irritating so i blurred it haha middle finger arr...don misunderstood not me point hor...

in the morning...

2day my cousin birthday party a bit fun a bit angry lol no i mean disgusting lol...bloody disgusting lol....the boy who call zheng xu which is my cousin tang di....he had a secret admire girl i go see her friendster and i thought tat girl veri pretty actually veri disgusting lol i don mean to say but my fren and cousin tink gt some photo:

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:38 PM

♥Friday, June 19, 2009♥

yoyo!!!everyone haha...tomorrow i had a change to eat cake le...haha my cousin birthday on 27 june but becoz i am going bck singapore soon so they make her birthday early a week yoo hoo!!!!!nice.....tomorrow my favourite cake will come to me ..haha jus kidding la....of course the cake belong to my cousin lol....hehe...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:00 PM

♥Thursday, June 18, 2009♥

haiz by the way today feeling like going to die becoz the guy who i like block me.....he idiot by the way i will let him regret for blocking me....heh!!!!!!

raymond sick ah pig ply psp....pig laa

babe xii wiv my beautiful cousins...

beautiful smile 4eva....
my xiao yi last time she also in my blog there too wiv en xii....
haha....en xii drinking milk laa...
oh i hate it the word on my face my cousin create de lol....veri orbit rite...
4eva best cousin......

tis is me cool baa... nt to do so i wiv my cousin zi pai lol....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:08 PM

♥Wednesday, June 17, 2009♥

haiz finish posting le .....yes!21 june i will go bck sin thats sound gd to me....
lol the other hand....

2day i nt to do also my brother still veri sick and went to see doctor 4 four times say if he comes bck to see doctor again he needs to go hosipital injection....haha if he injection cry i am the first to laugh...and my cousin shuying maybe will cry lol...she veri xin gan wo de brother de laa...haha....oops!!!i also 4get to say that i today polish my nail strock siao nice lol i like black and white haha

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:49 PM

♥Tuesday, June 16, 2009♥

2day nt to do also luckily i 2o june can go bck singapore le nv go to 6f gathering i still sad veri sad brother now is sick la ai yo he veri ma fan leh keep troble me to take care him use i am his sister maa.....haiz ma fan....weilin and deborah still ok fun maa.....haha i nt fun lol......oh the most funniest thing is somebody in midnight send me message to my phone....the stupid ah teo lol....haiz....nvm laa....he only ask me and my fren can go out maa.....cnnt say he stupid....ok finish writing le.....T_T

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:39 AM

♥Sunday, June 14, 2009♥

haiz....angry la cnnnt go 6f gathering today i don know if they enjoy lol....wish they enjoy haiz ...i still really feel like going....y should i stay at malaysia tat tyme y should i agree to go malysia tat tyme hate it!!!!bt nvm yesterday i went out again swimming lol can do wat......haiz miss singapore i feel like singapore more important wu...mis....oh by the way my cousin birthday actually nt 20 june haha is early a weeek celebrate is 27 june lol.....haiz damn boring lol

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:37 PM

♥Saturday, June 13, 2009♥

2day emm...i don know is worst day or gd day but i tink normal lol....haix i went to dentist and took out a tooth oopss!!!i look bo ge nt so ugly la!!!!oh by the i cannt go 6f gathering i veri sad sad sad!!!!bt nvm i can celebrate my cousin birthday emm....her birthdy is 27 june bt she make her birthday early in one week to celebrate....wooossss....can eat cake yummy.....haix boring le i don wan chat ttooo much also bb.....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:27 PM

♥Thursday, June 11, 2009♥

haix nt to post le everyone tis is notice to you i will return to singapore only 20 june so message me only on 20 june by the way i miss 6f leh aiyo fan la cnnt go!
oops!!babe xii eye becme red le sory lol the camera gt problem la....

family tgt

haha babe xii tongue stick out lol disgusting rite....

haha 2day en xii come and she become more and more know me le...haha....she cute rite also a bit san ba rite....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:07 PM


sory everyone...i was busy tis fews day tat i 4get to write post..haha i went swimming tis few days and i am going back home emm....i mean singapore la....i will be going home maybe 20 of june baa....weilin and deborah u two gt enjoy yr holiday maa..haha i wish u two enjoy lol....haix i cannot go to the 6f gathering le wu......i will miss 6f lots....T_T

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 2:00 PM

♥Monday, June 8, 2009♥

i also go shopping wiv my cousin we do sth funny we capture our self in the fitting room haha...childish rite nt to post le by the way my eye also pain...arr....

2day i go to swimming wiv my fren and cousin ...we swim for 2hrs and 30 mins....emm...4 me is little bit too short my fren meixin tink is too late 4 you ...her leg suan suan the way my bro hair been cut away too....see below

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:32 PM

♥Sunday, June 7, 2009♥

2day i still in malaysia...haix boring.....i go wiv my cousin to gong yuan(PARK)to play badminton oooo by the way hve meixin bt we play for a while the ah pig come and disturb my cousin chase aft him to bit wiv into mashed potatoes.....ok don say all tis thing le haix haix miz singapore fren especially my fren weilin and deborah lox and the guy i like ..haha bb nt to post

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:27 PM

♥Saturday, June 6, 2009♥

haha finish le nt to do le nw bt my bro is a problem to me he veri irritating and bloody
haha meixin and my cousin veri cute rite....

haha bro and meixin...

tis is my fren and cousin ...meixin is the girl which wear blue colour shirts...

tis is me ...

today i veri fun...becoz i go swimming wiv my cousin and fren the way tat time my fren meixin also gt go to swimming pool too ...b4 we go we capture sme pic ,the meixin pic ytd i nv post 2day i will post and by the way u can see a guy call ah pig he "gugu" been hurt by my bro leg flying kick...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:50 PM


bb tats all today nxt tyme let you see the meixin face which cut hair
haha three girls fingers making star....

the heart shape...

tis is me wiv my cousin...

today i in malysia nt to do ...but my fren meixin come to my cousin hse play haha she cut hair le haha cute.... me laa nt to do...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:35 AM

♥Thursday, June 4, 2009♥

hai...finish post le i nw still in malaysia i tink one week ltr hn can be in singapore....haha bb...

tis boy call ah pig haha he fat , la he still my fren la...
lame rte nt to do ....

yummy rite time for dinner le...

my bro eating ah...

babe xii wiv seven zai..

tis is xii wiv twisties....

tis is my aunt and xiao yi...

raymond and me...hoho

tis is me and shuying .....

tis is me and en xi...

today i at malaysia which is my cousin hse we play wiv a baby call en xi...

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 9:47 PM

♥Wednesday, June 3, 2009♥

but i go to bugis shop also not happy idiot bro he keep saying wan go home make all of us change feeling le ee....angry laa.....
we at home hse la haha....

haha weilin,deborah and me haha...
haha at mrt dooor there.... weilin and me

my idiot brother standing on the mrt haha...

haha deborah senior smile sweetly in mrt....

haha today we b4 i ,deborah,weilin and my brother wan go bugis we sitting mrt we capture sme photos....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:45 PM