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Give me all you have!I wan you!.

well jus navigate those words!

JuKe bOx

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♥Sunday, May 31, 2009♥

so cute they laugh happily....

my bef 4eva in riverside one fmr kindergarden to now still best fren 4eva the gal in green is fmr china also in rss the girl in white is in admiralty sec school nw .....

haha wiv my brother...hehe and cousins

my cute brother jus wake up...zzzzz

my fren meixin........hehe....

wiv my brother .....

morning nth to do.......

Today nth to do ......cousin wiv me at home lox.....haix today really veri bored.....i don wan go my grandpa hse la i wish to go out and play lol!!!i choose study than going to my grandpa play wiv my childish cousins.....they veri irritating lol .....haix i wan go out i wan freedom! nvm tomorrow i will nt be going there i can play com 4eva hahaha!!!i wan post pic le again my hobby pic also wiv my bef mei xin.....and others

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:33 PM


reached singapore le haha go home we still photo ......a bit too far lebt nw father come back le nag nag come le!!nxt tyme see...

the family of cousins....tis tyme is in the wedding hse lol....nice siao bungalow lol

at the wedding dinner place le!shu ying eyes so funny....accidentally captured ...

haha tis is the tyme actually we nd go to wedding le bt we still slack at upstairs don know 4 wat!haha

and my cousin too he like to bully me de no la the kind of bully is playing only la!

as u can see two handsome boy ba le!

haha tis is the cake which i like the most lol!fruity de!haha!

tis is my two best cousins....haha the gal in pink cal shuying she is really a bit kuan zhang bt also cute la!

怎么办!i can't slp!nvm i still can play com lol!since i cannot sleep i will continue posting some lame pic ba! today in my grandpa hse....tis is me and my the other best cousins....we eat cakes!!!the fruit flavour my favourite...i look like extra in the pic haha.....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 1:50 AM

♥Saturday, May 30, 2009♥

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:42 PM


yesterday,i go to the meet the parent session!haha i was so happy bt unhappy too !i am happy becoz when i was kindergarden till p6 i was been complaining by teacher tat i was not attention in class blablahhhhhh yesterday i thought teacher will say bad words abt me....hui....luckily no nora say i was well behaved haha!so,my father will nt nag nag again yoo hoo bt i am unhappy also becoz of my results i did pass rite!only maths failed still nd to scold!!!!arr.....he gt problem in his mind is it!!!aiyo i should nt scold him bt i was jus unhappy i promised my mother which is in the heaven to take care of father and my brother piao....hai....jia you lol peiqi !by the way my marks is
eng:jus pass ba le!-64.3/100
math:failed la!-33.3/100
nt so well lol

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:42 PM


tis is me wiv min hui lol she is also cute bt she is smaller than ah bi po....haha oh i c nw i nd put sometink in le bb!!!!

this is me wiv ah bi po she is really kawaii oooooo......

tis is the other baby cal ah bi po she is also veri kawaii o!the one which wear pink colour shirts is also my cousins haha i gt many cousin she is younger than me others is bigger than the way she cal simin

by the way i also gt go to my kampong hse in malaysia today to see two babys there are veri kawaii!oh the pic there show my other cousin wiv a baby called min hui!the girl who is my cousins cal shu ying

tis two is my cousins too lol thay pretty rite bt too bad they stay at malaysia!haha... the gal in pink and neckalce her name call jing ting...

Today i was at my cousin hse when going to a

wedding dinner haha gues which one is me lol!

haha i am the one wearing the black shirts lol!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:37 PM